Thought I’d do you a flavor (Yeah you, you with the head, yeah you with the 2 eye balls hanging out of your head!!)
Introducing Soupy Norman, it’s a Polish soap exceptionally well dunned with Cork accents, what a classic (And I’ve only seen 3 of them so far)
Here goes…………………
Stage 2, because when you write these things you should have a plan, I lost mine but I basically know what I want to say, in fact I think I’ll say it with pictures, not because I don’t know what to write, it’s that a picture says a thousand words and that might bring up the word count (This does not apply to word count in Word, must be a fault with Word, we’ll just blame Microsoft, everyone else does and that’s fine by me)
Queue Pictures Source http://www.foundmagazine.com/


As Johnny Cash would say (And how he said it and everything else in between!!)
‘Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I keep a close eye on this heart of mine’
Saw ‘Walk the line’ tonight, with Spanish subtitles, ‘Excellente’ as they would say in Spanish. I did buy it and many more to watch with my mother, and that I did and she enjoyed it too ‘Excellente’.
News flash
I am excited, ‘What now’ you say. Are you eating a Jumbo breakfast roll, no but yes, I am as excited, but not that excited, because you just can’t beat a Jumbo breakfast roll.
Going to see Wallis Bird play on Tuesday night, with Susan’s Collage buddy from UCC (I wasn’t good enough for UCC, but the fake ID i bought in Thailand worked a treat, i once interviewed a girl in Sydney for a job and she had the real ID)
Without further adue
Even now since I lost my wallet in Stockholm people still believe that I’m a student, I just show them my Superman wallet I bought for a $1 in the Galapagos when I really did think I lost my wallet, I found I later, I just outsmarted myself while pissed.
I’ve been saying to people ‘Look, I’m a student; I lost my wallet in Sweden (So far it’s 50 % true) then I say ‘If I didn’t why would I be using this’ (Pulling out the Superman wallet).
Superman to the rescue. People laugh and think ‘God, he must be telling the truth, no one could make that one up’ and I hold my status in society as being a student in the university of life (It’s an ongoing progressive course) I’m not really sure where it’s leading to, but I know I’m defiantly going there, and when I’m there I’ll know.
Right, down to business
The last time I was in Amsterdam, before the next experience creaps up on me I will try and recant what happened…. The last time.
Flew from Budapest (Happened to be Easter bank holiday weekend) so far so good.
Went to check into the Jolly Carlton hotel 4 star, one weekend, I said what the Fuck, I was living in 4 Star hotels in Budapest. After filling in the form, the kind girl in reception said
Girl: ‘How would you like to pay sir?' (They call you Sir and dont ask you leave with the same breath, cool huh ?)
Me: ‘With my credit card of course' (Flicks open wallet)
Me: Oh Fuck, can’t find credit card
Kieran is back on the street, to cut a long story shorter, I ended up staying on a yacht, met heaps of people, learned to roll (No rocking), but it rocked, barely got back to Budapest, what an eye opener.
I remember a guy selling Heroine and Coke getting offended because I tried to ignore him, how funny you wouldn’t think much would upset those guys, but yes, they have feelings too, I must remember this.
I will this time have a camera to document all the things words cant describe (But not in the red light district)and since I joined Facebook, I have received some useful Touristy hints, none have included jumping in canals or running up hills (I must be thinking of another country)
Now I’m afraid if I write anymore you’ll think ‘Oh Fuck, will it ever end’ or come to a point, er… no, you must be thinking about someone else, but I will end it all with a full stop
So stay tuned folks.