Well well well
I was going to write something (and don’t worry, I’m not going to try and extort money from you by not, although if you really needed to read these words and I could get a few quid from you at the same time, things would be different and your credit card would be down a 0 or 2, but that’s wishful thinking and that’s not going to happen, maybe not in my lifetime (Here’s a mathematical joke) there you go joke over and you keep your money) and if that was all a bit too much for you, don’t worry, I guarantee you, someone out there will still love you, maybe love you even more because you don’t.
Anyway, I want to show you people some photos first, then I will kill you, not with love or kindness or empathy, all I say is give me time, maybe I will send you to heaven…… before I send you to hell, or have a cup of tea, or maybe I’ll have a sleep and we can so it all again tomorrow, or maybe not.
Going to Canada

50 Cent played in Cork last week and without further adue

Slightly confused ? Dont know what to do ? No Problem...

Wedding of the year you say, were there any photos.
Oh since you ask, here you go, Password is 'cork'
Fraying at the edges here, and i'm not doing so well, no stories only feckin' pictures.
So some stories, hung out with Hughie on the weekend, slept in the same room as him, seperate beds, all good (I think we were all glad of that, only joking)
Well anyway went there on Friday night, charged a lash of beers to the wrong room, could have been an innocent mistake, i'm not that innocent, lost that years ago)
Met up with Hughie ahd a great time, wedding went well (Please refer to photos)
Skip to story 21 (I cant remember the others)
I wake up, i'm in 1 bed, Hughie is in the other (Believe me this is a good thing)
I ring reception at 10.45 (I know breakfast ended at 10.30)
Me: Hello there, I'm in a room with 4 walls and i would like some breakfast
Receptionist: Sorry, Breakfast ended at 10.30
Me: But you can give me some food, go on
Receptionist: Sorry, Breakfast ended at 10.30
Me: Go on, Go on, Go on, Go on,
Receptionist: Sorry, Breakfast ended at 10.30
Me: Just bring it up, in a roll if you can, we're wearing clothes and everything, you sound like a nice girl and everything
Sorry, Breakfast ended at 10.30
Cant remember the rest
Hughie calls for milk for a cup of tea (And i answer the door)
Me: Hello (Very good way of introducing yourself........ sometimes)
Servent: Hands me a big plate of milk saches (For little cups of tea, at least 15 in fact)
Me: Erra, that wont do him at all (Pointing to Hughie)
Me: He's a Culchie from the country, he milks cows and sometimes he milks bulls
Servent: Says nothing and leaves
10 minutes later
Knock knock (No joke here folks)
Hughie opens the door
Servent hands him a full pint of milk (In a pint glass)
We're pissing ourselves
I drink the pint of milk, it was nice, nothing like it after a big wedding night !!!
Not much to add for here
Oh booked tickets to Amsterdam, will get a bus to Paris, fly to Barcelona (for the second time), but this time i have a friend there.
Then England, then home to Cork, then US, then South America, then Feck, how would i know ?????
Went to Cork V Tipperary Under 21 quater final this evening, Cork went ahead at the 32nd minute and won it in the last minute (Won it by the grace of god) Great evening to watch hurling and have warm lemonade, warm chocolate and chew on 'milky moos' hard sweets that get softer the more you chew. It was like i was 12 all over again in one of the beast evenings Cork will see this summer. Lovely hurling
Peace out
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