People walk on a pier by the sea during warm weather on New Year's Day in Athens, Greece.

Oh Hello there
After a 43 hours commute back home with 1 hour sleep maybe
on the plane I had enough of traveling for that point in time.
Flew into Cork and I thought to myself ¡What a beautiful
day¢, what an eejit I felt like when it was announced that there was
fog in Cork and after circling for about an hour it was off to Shannon Airport
and then a bus to Cork a 2 hour journey
I remember feeling a vague need to cry when that news was announced,
but I¢m a big boy now and big boys don't cry, do they?
The funny thing about it was there was a Tibetan Buddhist
flying to Cork too, and I remember thinking ¡He probably took too
much acid in his day and has come full circle now..
He got off the bus within 30 min at his stop going to Cork, it couldn't have
worked out better for him, I must be praying to the wrong god again.
Flew from Melbourne to KL, yeah big deal I hear you say, I
though I was going to Singapore, worked out well in the end, I had
breakfast in
my favorite place in the world, cheap cheap too. Worked out about $1.20
Australian for gourmet Nasi Lemak, yeah gourmet, no GST added on
either, quality; eat it at the side of the road, yummy.
Flew from KL to Amsterdam with KLM airlines and if you've never flown with them before, don't!
The air hostesses are the biggest bunch of school teachers I have ever seen in
my life.
If you have more than 2 drinks with alcohol you are branded an
alcoholic, School teachers!!!
Nothing a hot session with a man couldn¢t fix of course,
hey I'm a man! Well I suppose there will be other times.
They do take their job very seriously though; you¢d swear we
were going to outer space. Which was were I was going flying into KL.
Left revolver Sunday and pretty much went straight to the
Airport, passport control I might not get on the plane if I kept on
singing and dancing, I was singing Chris Rea, Driving home for Christmas¢ oh yeah
and I had a fair amount of speed too, did I tell you about that ?
Had to go to the toilet every half an hour and do my version
of the Melbourne Shuffle, I was having a great time. The Phillipino
woman and her daughter next to me must have thought I was from outer space
and I was half way there literally.
Stopped off in KL from 5am till 11.30pm and did some
shopping, charged my iRiver at a backpackers walked around and took in
the carbon dioxide.
I was standing at the Burger king at 11.05 pm trying to
spend my last 6 Rinngit (Just over $ 2) when I though I¢d have another
look at my boarding pass, it said boarding time was 10.45pm.
I then proceeded to run the fastest 100 meters of my life, I
must have looked such a sight, I can laugh now, I wasn¢t laughing then,
when I got on the plane I looked like I¢d just gotten out of the shower.
Got lots of great tunes before I left Oz, and have been
bringing my mothers dogs on huge walks every morning, when the tunes
are going, I could walk all day, the dogs can't I'm afraid.
But they go apeshite for walking all the same.
My mother has 3 dogs so I can only bring 2 at once because
they go a bit mad, well if the piggy in the middle thinks he¢s been
left at home, madness erupts and everyone is woken up by dogs barking.
Oh and a little Christmas present, for getting this far into
my bullshit with hitting the delete button, well done.
This DJ has only had her decks for 2.5 years and is the best
DJ I have heard in a long time by a country mile, enjoy.
DJOh and happy Christmas, and I hope Santa brought you
everything you wanted, if you were good of course.