Friday, September 21, 2007

Got arount too vriting and ut's not wery gut

Do yourself a favour and dont read any of this, if you have to, read the pictures, you might feel the better for it

Jesper for Kashmir

The other kind
Good guy Jesper

I know it's been nearly a month, but it's worth it, i hope

I know i am, i'm sure i am, i'm H-I-P-P-Y

I was going to update this blog, and going and never did, i did update the photos, more than half, very cool.

It all started with a tatoo, which i got extended today, bigger is better, for some
then I met a guy in the pub and he told me to go to Copenhagenm on the cheap, and i always thought i would have to go there on the not so so cheap (Which i didnt, in the end) and so i went. And do you know what, i like it, or it likes me, whatever, it was good, Oh so good.

Highlights would include:
Meeting Jasper from Kashmir (see photo's)
See Rocket brothers

Before that meeting another Jasper, that pointed the other Jasper out, started out having a chat and 12 hours later believe it or not we were still hanging out, or maybe not, but it's true
Going to Roskilder
Leaving Roskilder and going to Ahus
Taking photos of the festival party in Ahuas
Not Taking photos of the festival party in Ahuas
Cycling on the same free (City provided) bicycle in Ahus
Meeting good people
Good times and not remembering good times

Seeng the Viking ship in Collins barracks in Dublin
Going to Wexford
Going to Waterford and doing the tour and seeing the Viking history and not so Viking history

A picture will tell a lot of words, or even a 1000, i dont know, but i took over a 1000, so be your own judge, be my guest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi! Just for the record, His name is Kasper and not Jasper! ;) KASHMIR!!!