It was my birthday and as happy birthdays go, it came
and went, not without it's little adventures and
surprises, some you can see in the photos and some you
Since my camera was stolen a few weeks ago i've begun
collecting other peoples photos, much handier than
taking my own and better too if i was to be honest,
which i'm not. But defiantly cheaper on batteries. Now
I'm not too upset about leaving my rechargeable
batteries at home.
Having a great time staying with the local family, the
dinners are awesome, and now i have my Ecuadorian
soccer shirt with a number '30' on the back, nice
touch, me being 30 the other day and all.
The Spanish is going well too, decided i'm going to
head to the Galapagos Islands around the 20th for 2-3
weeks, then at some stage it will be Colombia, lots of
good things are being said and the lost ruins in the
north seem to be the place to go, so go i will.
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