The sun never went down while i was in Denmark, there would always be a light in the horizon and at 5.30 it would be bright again. Very strange.
I didn't see any fights, there never is, they have 130,000, with no trouble, only in Denmark, not in Ireland, in 2000, 8 people died at the Pearl jam. Afterwards there was some fighting, then everybody was hugging each other.
I was talking to a guy from Norway, he told me he got into a fight with a small Irish guy and he wouldn't stop fighting, he just kept going, he was probably wondering 'When does the hugging begin?', not in Ireland. He also told me guys in Norway learn english from Eastenders, Snatch and Lock stock and 2 smoking barrels, i thought he was joking and later some Norwegians came over to talk and were quoting the movie scenes perfectly, at least they know what 'Pikies' are.
Emma from Gothenburg, i met last year in New York,

She was queuing up for a beer, apparently i looked the same, which is funny because in New York i had my beard and hair shaved, all off!!!!
I was hanging out with some Danish guys before Radiohead, one of them said to me 'Your penis is very ugly', i look down and the stitching from my shorts had broken, everything was hanging out, what a laugh, maybe he had a point too.
I told some of my neighbours this, and they said they wanted to tell me the same thing, they dont learn to say that sort of thing in English classes in Denmark, stitched it up next morning, case closed.
I met some nightclub owners at the Radiohead concert, cool guys, got a beer off them too, very cool.

There was a riot in camp L, L for Langerland i suppose, one to remember, speaking of Langerland
Reminds me how some people i know would look naked, how lovely!!

If your a female or male in Denmark at a festival and you've had a few beers (everybody does) and you need a toilet (they are everywhere), no problem squat (if your a girl) or pull it out (if your a guy) and go anywhere near a wall or tree, no one looks or cares, you wont be on the front page of the Sunday World (Listen up if you are a member in the royal family)
They are very practical people, very.

After the festival the place would have needed a lot of rain to get rid of the smell (I'm talking to you God, if your really there).
They could have used the camp as a film location for some movie where a Hurricane hits some camp site.
They had a skate competition too

I walked around with my Mexican Chivas soccer shirt, good way to meet people, the shirt is very like a shirt for some Danish Champions in the North of Denmark.