Back to the beach, saw a gay guy on the beach and his shorts said `Property of Ireland`, Hmmm.........he was Mexican too and no Dublin accent either(there are no gays in Cork)
Saw another guy on the beach and he looked like Johnny Depp out of `Pirates of the Carabeen`, with the way `Pirates of the Carabeen 3` ended they could pave the way for a 4th movie, i wont be watching it anyway so they might as well make a gay sequil, there you go Hollywood, you have my permission, go wild

Now for some advice, i`ll put this under, stuff i read in a book with no pictures
You can never get away from the mirror
From the book `A new earth`
When you feel a compulsive urge to do something, take 3 bredths and ask yourdelf, `Who`s talking?`
I heard a Mexican say `Put the coin in the air` and they were talking about a 50/50 situation, amusing.
This could be out of Cheech and Chong
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