Well well, been quite a week indeed.
Got on to the photo section or so I’m told by the avid Beat mag fan Mat, he said he was handing it around the office. I’m sure it got a few laughs, yes I was wearing my peoples republic t-shirt, in Brown Alley, having a good one, hmm I think I’ll get it on the way home.
Met up with some of the crew from South Melbourne’s one and only Chief pub last night in Pugg Mahone’s for a bit of trivia, good laugh then we went to the ‘La la lounge’, good spot too. I never knew it was there.
Going on a pub crawl with them, something about a frien who doest drink organising a pub crawl, I like pub crawl’s, I really do.
30 degrees to day in Melbourne, all the are happy and hanging out in the park having lunch and catchng up friends, very Melbourne. Waiting on a login so I can do some ‘supposed’ work, if that will ever happen. I suppose you work long enough and it’s good to get a bit of ‘time off’ and get paid for it, I get a good deal consideriing other people in society have to work.
Watched more Borat today, cant get enough of that wonderful stuff, the movie should be cracking.
Recording more inthemix stuff, Bec Plankton, sounds like there’s 2 songs going at once, not so smooth me thinks, err go back to school love? Oh, you did go to school ?
Right, maybe you need to ask them for your money back. Eeek, doesn’t sound to smooth at all.
Getting through ‘The power of the dog’, not sure were it’s heading as I’m getting towards the end, but I suppose that’s the quality of a good novel.
Finally had enough of recording Bec plankton, so I thought ‘That’s it, it’s going off’ and what do you know? Win amp was going also, my bad. Sorry Bec, maybe school wasn’t such a waste after all ?
Spring carnival is starting to-morrow, Melbourne I getting pretty expensive, it’s all been my choice of course, but a weekend at the races before the Melbourne cup could be on the cards.
Gods kitchen this weekend, have to take it a bit easy, wasn’t planning on drinking last night, the liver must be taking a bit of a hammering, saw a program about how China is harvesting organs from the people they execute, nice one China, if I ever burn mine out I’ll be over, ‘What 50k for a liver ? I’ll give you 80k for 2 liver’, I’ll have soaped up body, pimp my body, and it’s about bloody time too!!
Going to Fitzroy shorts, movie festival, extreme Karaoke is on tonight too, just across the road, good laugh. Students all out during the week, they don’t need sleep like the older generation, one which I think I’m kinda falling into, or being pushed into, whatever, pushed, pulled, punished.
There’s another movie night on tomorrow, catching up on the old movie night’s, not everyone’s cup of tea, speaking of cups of tea, I’ll think I’ll have one and check out the paper and when I come back I’ll have a ramble about something I saw in the paper, if only to amuse myself when I re read this at a later stage, hello hello are you still there ?
Not much in the paper, but I did find an interesting article about serious writers as opposed to people who write shopping lists, I think I’ve elevated myself above the status of shopping lists. Writing in a word doc gives other’s the appearance that I’m doing work related ‘Stuff’. The article talked about some author that he thought was the greatest contributor to the English language, and it was translated from Japanese.
I cant claim to be on a Japanese protest anymore, I had Don Dons today. So I suppose I should give the book a whirl, if the library has it of course, and the book was written back in the 20’s, probably doesn’t even have any pictures and has big words that I have to look up in another book, sounds all too serious already. But that’s today’s word, peace out.
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