Listening to the Mick Molloy on tough love on the ITunes pod casts
They are rambling on about pick up lines, among other things, ‘Is that a ladder in your stocking or is it a stair way to heaven’. Classy stuff.
Missed a few postings, but who cares.
Was going to pick Chris up on Tuesday and was passing the Language centre and thought to meself, ‘I wonder if they have any Spanish classes on’. So in I goes and low and behold, I signed up, now it’s Thursday and I’ve been listening to some Spanish on Pod casts and looking at some stuff on the BBC Spanish learning website.
Good stuff, it will keep me busy for the next few week’s. Weather as been pretty good for the last few weeks and the Caulfield cup is on this weekend, off racing it is for me.
Ross is going as well, good stuff, it will be an all dayer, converted the ‘Thin Lizzy’ 1971 album to .mp3 yesterday, rocking stuff. Cant get enough of that wonderful stuff. It was my favorite album when I first heard it, and it still is.
Have to go to Collins st and see what testing Bob Beers is doing, apparently he is doing the testing I’m supposed to be doing. I will be 6 months in Telstra and the only work I will have done here is download music, what a laugh. 6 odd weeks to go to the great escape. Should be good.
Speaking of work, time to record music and Feck off to Collins st.
Bye bye
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