Speaking of Quebec, went there this afternoon
We take up the story in Ottowa, and you see if you walk over the bridge (people do this sort of thing if they have nothing to do), i had nothing to do, nothing of note. The morning highlights included getting up, making salad, eating half, going for a walk, wanting a coffee and donut, finding a Tim Nortons (Canadas answer to Duncan Donuts). Tim Nortons has just as many cops too.
The line was a bit too long, so now i'm doing this, and this, and thinskkhghgtry7yut.
Doesn't make sense, does it ?
The truth

Highlight's of Quebec would include hanging out with Jon, Lucy and Lorenzo in the old town and posing for pictures and more pictures, looking at pictures, painted ones, very nice.
'The more i see, the less i want' comes to mind
Went went into some exhibition that required 'Hard cash' to walk around and read stuff, by yourself, to learn things, no thanks. I come from the Baywatch generation, learning things by yourself is for nerds.
In the 'Suggestions box', Ann wrote a comment, and signed it 'Lucy Lu', I wrote 'Everything is in French. I dont understand nuttin', and i still dont.
Boston sunset

Met up with a guy from Wales living in Texas, his room mate brought a girl home the night before i met him and his buddy passed out. So, with that she hops into bed with him, sounds like a pratical girl, dont you think ?
Would you like to live here, pretty safe dont you think ?

Went out Saturday night and saw a really good band and then went to the favourite bar on St Jean, very nice people, good times.
Switched to the Independent hostel, upon checking in, it was reccomended to me to go to Tadoussac for 'Well watching', ok so i says, upon further investigation conducted with the 'Outside world', i discover Tadoussac is good for 'Whale watching' and they aren't even there now, so i went to Ottewa, i am here, where are you ?

Had anther 'Dose' of 'Poutine' on Saturday night, nasty stuff at 4am, your body will never forgive you for it, well maybe in 2 weeks.
Met Andrew from Melbourne in the independent hostel and we went to the bar on St Jean, here's what i learnt.
'You have to lose yourself, to find yourself', you were here (and didn't know it) and now your here (and you do know it).
Google maps says 'Results 1 - 10 of about 4,024,906 for finding myself '
Well anyway Andrew was telling me how he had everything robbed in Hawaii, was punched out, didn't eat for 2 days, shoplifted a small bit of cream for a rash he got, got caught (too physicaly weak to run)
He got transported 220 miles to a prison by a cop with a blond mullet, travelling so fast that other cars looked stopped, with Guns and Roses blaring 'Welcome to the Jungle.
I love it, he said it was his best ever car ride, and he was wearing handcuffs, not the kinky kind.
Other things i learn't.
Everybody is the same
I'm no better or worse than anyone else
What matters is how you deal with things
Don't let things build up and then explode
Everybody can fall of the rails, just say sorry
Dont do or say anything you wouldnt do sober
Wine anybody ?

and my favourite 'No one can do anything to you that you are already doing to yourself
Learning lots, hopefuly i will start retaining knowdledge and not water, hamburgers and donuts and the like
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