Cops go around Chiwahwah on bikes looking similar to cops in San Francisco, very professional and good for the enviornment too.
Vet in Zacatecas
Met more couch surfers and their housemate´s in Chiwahwa. One was a DJ the other was a teacher.
I showed them how to record music, not doing a ´Feed the world´, Michael Jackson style. Intellectual stimulation only, not a bad kind.
The 2 Chris left, I though there was a 60 % chance they would still be there, but they defied all odds and made like a tree and left (thats how it goes isin´t it)
Slivia from Couchsurfing
One of the kiwi´s spewed in the sink, in his bathroom, away from the preying eyes of snooty Frenchmen (the kiwi guy has no respect, i told him so and he didn´t seem to care, no respect)
In fairness, UK Chris attempt was way worse, it had bits of Burrito, beer, taquila and ´No Respect´, all you need is a match to light a fire.
It could have been ´Bastille day´ all over, screams....ahhh no!!! They´re at it again..aggghhhh!!!
Last day in Chiwahwa, lovely sunset, would leave tomorrow, except to morrow is Sunday the lords day and the worst day for drink driving in Mexico.
USA Chris was telling me how he was warned not to cycle on Sunday, he decided to cycle 2 kms and hitch hike. All was going well until before he started cycling he hears a screech of tyres around the corner.
A bus load of Mexicans came into view, it was the lords day. Sunday, Ice (the drug kind and the weather type) not for me.
When priests say ´go in peace to love and serve the lord´
Priests should add ´dont get shitfaced and try driving your entire family home and kill them and some unsuspecting ´Gringo´, that are trying to spend time (and money) in this country....Amen´
I used to be an Altar boy, i know what i´m talking about.
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