Handy screen cleaner
A guy i met in Ensenada was telling me how kidnapping was big buisness here, true, true, but i didn´t know how true, well the wait is over, point your mouse at the following interesting little link on the differnt types of kidnapping in Mexico.
Mexican food anyone?

The American kids (that had no interest in Tom Brady throwing a winning pass in the Superbowl) went to a village up from Creal, lovely town, except for the 2 hour gun battle with a drug cartel, bullet shell´s were everywhere, everybody must die, god would be working overtime to figure out who the good guys are and who the bad guys are (it´s a fine line, you cant go on Santa´s list when people go past 12)
I wonder if any of the American kid´s were ever in LA South Central? Now they will feel like they have, no need to go there.
Life is not a Video game, here, it´s really real, really.
Is it a frog? Creel, copper canyon

Horace Walpole once said ´Life is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel´ Tom Robbins expands to ´To the Whole person, the world is a tragic comedy´, i agree.
Indigenous women, Creal, Mexico

But i will be keeping in mind some of those kidnapping strategies, How do you say in Spanish, ´Which strategy will you be employing to seperate my hard earned cash form my person, amigo´
I´m already thinking about it, i have a semi clad chick on the back of a business card, i´m going to whip it out and tell any wanna be kidnappers it´s my girlfriend (a little white lie), but should get a few laugh´s, that might help, or not, they might keep it, and then what would i do?
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