First day of Zacatecas, i was walking around a corner thinking, ´This reminds me of Rome´, when i see ´Luigi´s Pizza´, point proven, i guess.
Went up the Teleferica, the houses reminded me of India (Jodapur or the like) from a birds eye view.
No queueing either, just pay your 25 pesos to the man and off you go, bargain.
I saw that the Teleferica was built by a Swiss company, no shortcuts with those boys, i wonder did they even have tea breaks and nock off early to have a few tacos?
Absolutly not, they are Swiss.
Now a hotel, was once a government owned housing
Pancho Ville was popular here too, he was popular everywhere, except America, he had a terrible habbit of killing Americans, a very bad habbit, and it´s not nice either.
I was sitting under the shade of the Pancho Ville statue, he was protecting me from those nasty UV rays when a guy runs up the steps in front of me waving his hands like Rocky (not sure which Rocky, i hope he didn´t have multiple personalites
I always thought the Rocky scene was DC, until i went to DC and was told it was Philidelphia, now i can add Zacatecas to the list!
Readers note:
The guy that ran up the steps in Zacatecas, ran up 10 steps. If the camera adds 20 pounds, how many would be added? What would the equasion look like?
I was watching some Mexican slap stick humor the other night (yes i live a complete and full life now that beer is out the window, but for how long?)
Railway station in Creal, restaurant for Hangovers
Anyway in the Mexican comedy, a (not so happy) couple are in the cinema. Thankfuly it was slapstick or i would have never got it (he should have just went with his mates), out of no where she starts hitting him with a sauce pan.
She must have been the Mexican version of Mary Poppins (without the Deportment and Elocution (does sticking a fork into an electrical socket count?)
No black humor there, just plenty of 30 Degree days
Mary Poppins
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