Kieran was balls naked up on that horse one night, giddy up!! How cruel !!
Made it to Cabo San Lucas. The girl in San Francisco i met in the art gallery in Sausalito San Francisco would be so proud.
It was her idea for me to go here. I have no idea. Go with the flow, it´s flowing
Want a tour?
Andrea has an idea, go to the Roskilder festival. I know a French guy going. I´ll go if i go back, ´I will be back´ said Arnie. Me too.
Met up with Christian in Cabos San Lucas, from couchsurfing, he sells time share. It seems to be the go here.
They pay you and give you free tours if you go and listen to their great scams to relieve you of your cash. If your American or Canadian, you can be single.
If your not from North America, wifey must be on toe, much like the big 4 wheel drives on tow behind the RV´s i have seen on the way down here. Too much baggage for me.
Did you know Mexico is considered North America too? No? Well now you do.
The right to bare arms is very much alive in the US

The guy i met in La Paz, Chris, is off with his buddy of the same name. He likes to kill things + eat them. Small birds were mentioned. He want´s to kill a snake. He wants to kill a wild boar, all you have to do is jump on his back and twist his neck.
I´m thinking he want´s to kill himself, but he´s lived to about 26 so far, who knows he might out live me
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